The History Of The End Of The World

(music by Piss On Feet; lyrics by Papa Pig, Mama Pig, Hamm And Baby Pig)

A long time ago, a man by the name of John Lennon died. A
FAKE funeral was held for the star. What really happened was that
he moved to China and became Communist. (You think he was hanging
around Yoko Ono for nothing?) To continue the story, he meets up
with, what you call Godzilla, and then they started and allied force
of Communism to dominate the planet. But they weren't the only
ones. A furry creature named King Kong had other ideas; to fight
for freedom and to kill the Communists. Because he saw what was
going on. Godzilla was controlling countries like Cuba, making
Fidel Castro his little puppet; Sudam Huisan-also a puppet. When
he first confronted Godzilla, King Kong was sent to his Fire Sphere,
where he stayed for thousands of years. Once he realeased his
powers, a volcanic eruption for the Fire Sphere. He was able to
escape one day. This is the meeting of Godzilla versus King Kong.

Man, where did you come from? I thought I sent you to your
Fire Sphere. I'll tell you what's up now. You better recognize,
fool. I'm gonna send you to your grave. I've got Sadaam, and I've
got Fidel over here. I'm gonna eat your nuts; I'm gonna make you

King Kong.
No, no, no, little boy. You are my beotch, and you will
always be my beotch! See my right testicle? It no longer has hair!
I burnt it in the Fire Sphere! Do you think that's funny? Quit
laughing!! Quit it!! (smack!) You do not understand, I am
powerful. I will take you and crush you, beotch!! Just shut your

I never want you to hit me like that again, beotch!! You
better recognize right now!! I don't want to have to hear that
ever again! I don't want to hear your crap! I'm gonna smack you
like a little beotch! And when I'm done, I'm gonna throw you back
into that Fire Sphere and I'm gonna tell you what's up! I'm gonna
kill you; I'm gonna kill you right now.

King Kong.
Shut your dirty face, beotch! You're over here gettin' all
huffy-puffy like a little pansy-beotch! I'm just gonna sit here
and POW back-hand you, like you'z my beotch!! (Godzilla screams)
You see that Fire Sphere over there? I'm gonna take your ass
and I'm gonna put it in there! Now you better shut your face!
Shut it!! (smack!) Shut it!! Meotch!!

7-Up Dot:
Both y'all bitches better shut your damn faces!! We be the
Spots! What!? We gonna take over this planet. Ain't that right?
(7-Up beeping noises) (coughing, dying noises) Nevermind.

What the hell was that?! Look at them all scurrying around in
that little crack. (7-Up noises) Shut up, beotches! Beotches,
shut up! Anyway King Kong, I'm gonna kick the crap out of you.
I'm gonna make you burn; I'm gonna scold your balls.

King Kong.
Let's not bring up the "balls" issue again, before I deal
with your little beotch-ass. What the hell are all those little
spots running around? (7-Up noises) I gotta deal with...Shut up!!!
I gotta deal with...I told you to shut your face. Man, I don't know
who's the bigger beotch; Godzilla or the damn Spots! What about of
pansy-asses! Beotches everywhere.

Mega Man.
I have come to destroy you all! I have come to part the Red
Sea. My name is Mega Man. I am God! All of you will bow to me!
All of your will bow to me! Can you feel the heat rising? I'm
gonna kill all of you and I'm going to eat you. I'm gonna eat you
I'm gonna eat you, I'm gonna kill you! Oh my god, I'm gonna kill
you! I'm gonna get so mad! I'm gonna get so mad!! Oh my god, I'm
gonna kill all of you! Oh my god, you little bitches!! Oh god,
I'm gonna kill all of you! I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna eat you!

....Okay?? King Kong, I've been thinking. You're not so bad.

King Kong.
I totally understand, I feel the same way too.

Your eyes are very pretty.

King Kong.
Thank you. I enjoy your tail.

Why, thank you. I am asexual.

King Kong.
Great. I was thinking, if you're not busy, we could go get
a cup of coffee.

That sounds good. Oh god...I'm my god..Oh jeez...AAAAHHH!!!

It's a-me! MARIO!! Both of you two better shut your face!
I'm gonna take this place!! I'm gonna take over the world!
And then bang the Princess!! Me and Luigi, running the galaxy,
we're gonna tear everything up! Me and the Toadstool, eating
some mushrooms! I'm gonna make you...burn....You better watch
yourself! The world's all mine now! Me and Luigi running it
together, banging the Princess! I'll tell you what; you will rot
in Satan's lair!! The Devil LOVES us!!

This concludes the end of the world....