Naked Chef

(music by Piss On Feet; lyrics by Papa Pig, Mama Pig, And Baby Pig)

I take buns and crap in them so that all the little
kiddies can have a little fiber in their diet
I hope all of you drink my urine
It's good after fourty-five minutes, remember?
I hope you know that I will sauté your buttocks and
season them with peppers
Make them taste so pretty, make them nice
I love to be a naked chef
I hump watermelons and I still feed them to people
I love fundue sets; i burn my weenie on fundue sets
I am everything that you want me to be as a cook; or a chef
I made a pie and I fed it to your mother
She enjoyed it; she asked why it was so crispy
I baked it with my own farts
And then I crapped in them and called it chicken
She said she liked the dark meat
I'm a naked chef
I work naked; I make food naked
I love being naked; I'm a naked chef
