Reese's Feces

(music by Piss On Feet; lyrics by Papa Pig)

I'm ninety-two and I wear diapers
I crap in my own diapers because I'm old
And some boy kicked me in the pancreas
And then I just crap everywhere
And when I'm done, I smear it on my wife's face
Because she thinks it's funny
Satan loves diapers
I wear Depends undergarments
When I was younger, I was a molester
I touched little boys for fun
A little boy kicked me in the spleen
And I started crapping myself uncontrollably
I started crapping into bags, but that wasn't good enough
So I started crapping in my own diapers
So my wife changes my diaper after I spread crap in her face
I'm a dirty old man from Nantucket
Motherf- it, just suck it
I wear diapers
I'm an old guy that wears diapers
Satan loves diapers
I'm a dirty old man that craps and pisses on himself
Sometimes I feed my own crap to my own dog
And when he eats it, he craps out my own crap
Is that even possible?
Well, my dog does it anyway
Your mother ate my feces
I also gave a bag of feces to your aunt...and your mother
She liked the corn
You will burn, I crapped myself
Please burn, I hate you
I'm gonna poop in your face
